How To Stay Healthy & Safe From Coronavirus
Photo: Britt Chudleigh
We're living in a time of uncertainty given the recent news surrounding Coronavirus and the spread of COVID-19. If you're anything like us, you're probably feeling a little scared, anxious, nervous, and overwhelmed when it comes to protecting yourself and your family. Below, we've gathered some useful tips and best practices to keep you and your loved ones healthy and happy.
You can also read up on the CDC's tips for staying healthy (including tips for pregnant women and children) and the CDC's advice about "social distancing" to help prevent the spread of the virus.
This might sound obvious and should be a no-brainer, but one of the best and easiest ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to wash your hands frequently. Take extra care to wash your hands after using the restroom, being in public spaces, or before and after eating. Just be sure to use hot water, lather well, and scrub your palms, back of your hands, under your fingernails, and around your wrists for 20-30 seconds before giving your mitts a good rinse. One trick to lathering your hands long enough is to sing "Happy Birthday" before you rinse your hands.
Remember to avoid touching your face, rubbing your eyes, or, ahem, picking your nose... And don’t forget to bring hand-sanitizer in purse or work bag and use it often when you're out and about! We love this Byredo rinse-free hand wash, too.
It's the perfect time to get a jump-start on spring cleaning in your home! Regularly disinfect surfaces like your kitchen and bathroom counters, sinks, toilets, and door handles. We like good old fashioned Clorox wipes to get the job done, but we’re also fans of all-natural and organic cleaners like this Mrs. Myers Multi-Surface Cleaner. Our latest obsession: Blueland’s reusable Forever Bottle and cleaning tablets. Be sure to wash your towels and bedding in hot water regularly, too, to help keep germs at bay. And consider using a humidifier or air purifier in your home, as well. We also like to use a Vitruvi diffuser to keep the air in our home fresh.
Remember to cover your mouth and cough or sneeze into your elbow and arm, and remind little kids to do the same. When it comes to greeting friends and family members, don't give hugs or shake hands—consider bumping elbows or tapping toes instead. And when it comes to pushing buttons in public places for things like an elevator or cross walk, use your elbow or knuckles instead of your fingers.
With the world around us changing rapidly, it's important to remember to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. Keep calm, take deep breaths, eat healthy foods, drink lots of water, get enough sleep, and spend time focusing on the good in your life. Go for a walk, do yoga at home, take a bath, read a book, and gather around the table for dinner with your nearest and dearest.
Practice gratitude for all that you have rather than focusing on what you might be lacking at the moment (toilet paper, anyone?). Write down three things you're grateful for and have your partner, friends, or family members do the same (i.e. a safe home, warm clothes, plenty of food, etc.), and then share your thoughts the next time you gather together.
Keep in mind people in your family or neighborhood who may need help but who aren't able to leave their homes or are lacking resources. Reach out to elderly neighbors or friends who live alone to see how they're doing and if they need anything. Consider making a donation to local food banks or homeless shelters to help those who may be in extra need at the moment, too. And try to support local businesses by visiting if you're healthy, ordering online or via a delivery app, or purchasing gift cards (you can use them in the future but it helps small businesses now).
Above all else, remember we're all in this together and we need the love, support, and kindness of our communities now more than ever.