Letter From The Editor: Make America Love Again
Photo: Vogue Magazine
This week’s historic Supreme Court ruling that gay and transgender workers are protected by federal law, forbidding discrimination on the basis of sex, is a major win for equality and humanity, and a bright spot during a dark time.
But let’s not forget, the Pride movement first originated as a protest, and there’s still so much work to do when it comes to protecting and supporting our LGBTQ+ loved ones. Just last week, two Black trans women—Dominique “Rem’mie” Fells and Riah Milton—were brutally murdered due to transphobic violence, with next to no media attention or public outrage. Please continue to advocate and speak up for LGBTQ+ rights, and donate/follow/support the voices and organizations listed below:
Let’s make America love again. Happy Pride Month.
xx, Tessa